Economy Minister Paulo Guedes appointed Pedro Calhman de Miranda as the new secretary of Economic Policy. Calhman will take the place of former secretary Adolfo Sachsida, who was promoted to special advisor for Strategic Affairs at the beginning of the month.
A career server at the Central Bank, Calhman has experience at the Ministry of Economy. He held the positions of Secretary of Evaluation, Planning, Energy and Lottery (Secap) and of Undersecretary of Microeconomic Policy and Infrastructure Financing of the Secretariat of Economic Policy (SPE).
The new secretary studied economics at the University of Brasília (UnB), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and at Stanford University, in the United States.
In addition to publishing studies on the effects of policies and reforms promoted by the government, the SPE prepares the Ministry of Economy’s official forecasts for economic variables such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP, sum of goods and services produced in the country) and inflation. These estimates are used in the preparation of the Budget and are reviewed every two months, one week before the government announces the contingency (blocking) or release of funds.