Hilda Geldres, now a former official of the Ministry of Energy and Mines and who remained in office for only three days, said she was surprised by the publication of the resolution that terminated her appointment this Thursday and that she found out about the news through the media and not through an official channel.
“[¿Usted se ha enterado ahorita en esta entrevista que ya no es funcionaria?] I am also surprised. I don’t know why that designation has been terminated. I’m surprised. Just now I am finding out about the termination of my position”commented to RPP.
Geldres assured that he had meetings scheduled and that he was informed about the resolution that terminated his appointment before leaving for work.
“I am also surprised because they have been misinformed. Practically my work and professional experience does meet the requirements and I have not only worked in the State as CAS, placement (of services), all my jobs have been in community relations issues “he specified.
The Ministry of Energy and Mines concluded the appointment of Hilda Geldres, who after the second round of elections in 2021 composed a song celebrating the victory of Pedro Castillo.
The resolution 064-2022-MINEM/DMpublished this Thursday in the legal regulations bulletin of El Peruano, points out that “it is necessary to conclude” the appointment of Hilda Geldres Sánchez only three days after her appointment as head of the General Office of Social Management of the Ministry of Energy and mines.
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The now former official pointed out that she was summoned to occupy a position of trust by ministry personnel whom she could not identify. It was because of this call that she went with her resume for her corresponding interview.
“They call me from the ministry and tell me that they have seen my resume and that I could support them in a position of trust. I do not belong to the Peru Libre party, I do not know anyone from the party, I am an independent professional and they tell me that they are going to evaluate me. They have evaluated it, I have met the requirements and that is why I stayed in the position”he asserted.