The conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine impacts practically the entire spectrum of raw materials due to the effects it causes on the cost of Petroleum.
“The Petroleum affects plastic, chemical, petrochemical raw materials; but not only that, it also affects the topic transport“said the president of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), Celso Juan Marranzini.
In addition, he said that it has a direct effect on food.
“It is a moment where we go from the adverse effects of COVID-19, which has had effects on costs, prices, imported inflation, because now we are going to another crisis that what it is doing is maintaining or aggravating that situation,” expressed the AIRD executive.
He pointed out that now what we have to do is try to keep the economy healthy, generating more jobs and giving priority to the investments that have been announced and are pending.
He added that the effects of this crisis must be mitigated in the neediest part of the country.
Marranzini spoke at the “Industrial Actions that Transform” themed breakfast, where Barrick Pueblo Viejo presented the platform “Pueblo Viejo: a Place of Value”, an initiative that highlights the opportunities promoted by responsible mining with projects that ensure the care and protection of the environment, social and economic development, and the well-being of thousands of Dominicans, while remedying the enormous environmental liabilities found and working to overcome the bad perception generated by these past practices.