Iván Quispe Palomino was deprived of his liberty on October 16 and alleges that his arbitrary detention has harmed his personal honor and human dignity.
Iván Quispe Palomino has filed a complaint against Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzén and Interior Minister Juan José Santiváñez for aggravated defamation, after having been arbitrarily detained on October 16 for 48 hours. In addition, he requests compensation of S/750,000 for the moral and psychological damage inflicted.
“That justice (…) punitively sanction the defendants for having injured my personal honor and human dignity by having publicly made false statements of criminal incrimination regarding my person, which are two: i) being the commander N Shining Path No. 2 in the VRAEM –terrorism crime–; and ii) having carried and shown a false ID at the time when I was intervened by the police authority –crime of use of false document–”, reads the statement.
Note in progress.
Complaint filed by Iván Quispe Palomino against Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzén and Minister of the Interior Juan José Santiváñez.