The company CBC Peru, PepsiCo’s soft drink and energy drink bottler, has been carrying out actions in favor of the preservation of water sources, thus contributing to reduce the hydric stress faced by the city of Lima, through the implementation of planting and harvesting water. In this way, it becomes a member of the Water Fund for Lima and Callao – AQUAFONDO.
Mariella Sánchez Guerra, executive director of Aquafondo, expressed: “We give the warmest welcome to the company CBC Peru, which joins the joint work between the community, company and institutions. Together we will continue adding ancestral solutions based on nature and raising awareness among the population about the conservation of water resources.”
“Water is an essential resource for life, which is why at CBC Peru we are firmly committed to guaranteeing its conservation for current and future generations. In this sense, we fully believe in the creation of shared value as a vehicle to grow and build a better world. Becoming partners of AQUAFONDO represents a great opportunity to help ensure the sustainability of the resource over time, as well as its proper management”, said Analí Huamancayo, CBC Corporate Affairs Manager.
This strong link between CBC Peru and AQUAFONDO will contribute to the water security of Lima, providing water to meet the agricultural, industrial and domestic needs of the population of Lima and Callao.