The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, he remembered that 12 years after the Rudder Coup, Commander Hugo Chávez was and is a “people’s intellectual and man of action”, this statement was made by the head of state in program 63 of Con Maduro Más.
“He (Chávez) always insisted on me, he gave you a task and then he asked you, hey Nicolás, how is something going and, the worst answer you could give him is, there is nothing new, or that it is done,” Maduro recalled, At the same time, he maintained that Chávez’s approach policy was always constructive criticism.
Maduro highlighted that Chávez was a true boss, because he was capable of seeing beyond, “when they tell you that there is nothing new, there is the new thing,” the president recalled when President Chávez argued each report in the management of the government.
Chávez, expressed Maduro, “left us the plans, the ideas, he was the creator of socialism in the territorial area, of the communal councils, of the communes as instances of the power of ordinary men and women and the creator of a new society. of the 21st century”, of the dream that moves us today and will always move us, he stated.
The Coup de Timon speech
The speech was pronounced by Commander Hugo Chávez in the Council of Ministers, after having won the presidential elections of October 7, 2012.
For political analysts, this speech represents a “before and after” of the Bolivarian Revolution.
Chávez himself proceeded to issue instructions with a view to deepening the system of communes and Bolivarian socialism.
Likewise, he made a self-critical reflection of what had been done so far.