The worsening of tensions between Russia and Ukraine did not discourage investors this Tuesday (22). The dollar fell for the third time in a row and reached the lowest price in almost eight months. The stock market rose and partially recovered from the fall of the last few days, in a day of market adjustments.
The commercial dollar closed this Tuesday sold at R$ 5.052, with a decrease of R$ 0.055 (-1.07%). The currency operated lower throughout the session, closing close to the lows seen for the day.
The quotation is at the lowest value since July 2 of last year, when it had been sold at R$ 5,053. The currency accumulates a fall of 4.78% in February and 9.39% in 2022.
In the stock market, the day was marked by recovery. After three consecutive falls, the Ibovespa index, on the B3, rose 1.04% and closed at 112,892 points. The indicator accumulates a high of 0.67% in the month and 7.7% in the year.
The instability in Eastern Europe, which in recent days has shaken financial markets across the planet, today has benefited emerging countries and exporters of commodities (primary goods with international quotation). This is because global flows have turned to countries that sell agricultural products and minerals, benefiting from recent price increases. Even the ruble (Russian currency) appreciated 1.9% against the dollar on Tuesday. In the case of the stock market, the drops of the last few days have made some papers cheap, boosting the purchase of shares.
In Brazil, another factor contributed to the fall of the dollar and the rise of the stock market. High interest rates are stimulating the inflow of financial capital into the country, attracted by the high remuneration compared to interest rates in advanced economies. The Selic rate (basic interest rates in the economy) is currently at 10.75% per year, the highest level since July 2017. This year, the real has the best performance among the main currencies on the planet. Then comes the Chilean peso, which appreciated 7.6% in 2022.
*With information from Reuters