Latest holiday that we had in Chile was because of the National HolidaysHowever, many are already wondering when the next one will be. Take note of the following dates and find out if some of them will have a “trap” or not.
How many holidays will there be in October?
You should know that during the month of October you can enjoy a holidaywhich will include an “extended weekend.” The next October holiday will be the 12th, the day of the “Meeting of Two Worlds”, which commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the American continent in the year 1492.
However, we must say that this holiday comes with a “trap”, since October 12 falls on a Saturday, so classes or attention in various locations will not be affected. Therefore, for most people it will not be an extra day of rest.
The website It also mentions October 27 (Sunday) as “Municipal Elections, Regional Councilors and Regional Governors (Unwaivable)” by laws 18,700 and 19,973. As we mentioned previously, this day will be key for the exercise of democracy in the country and can have a significant impact on the communes and regions.
On the other hand, Thursday, October 31, will be the holiday for the “Day of the Evangelical and Protestant Churches”, which will form a four-day weekend by adding “All Saints’ Day” which is celebrated on Friday. November 1st.
How many holidays are left in Chile and which one of them has a “trap”?
The holidays that remain for the rest of the year are the following:
- Friday, November 1: All Saints’ Day.
- Sunday, December 8: Immaculate Conception.
- Wednesday, December 25: Christmas (Inalienable).
This last one (that of December 25) is one of the few holidays inalienable in Chiliwhich means that most workers will be able to enjoy a guaranteed day of rest.
It is worth mentioning that according to the website, there is another holiday listed, but the list reads “to be confirmed”:
- Second Round Election of Regional Governors (To be confirmed. Unavoidable, by laws 18,700 and 19,973)