The activities for the 200 years of the Battle of Pichincha will take place from February to December. The Municipality and the Prefecture will participate.
The Municipality of Quito will allocate a budget of $4,210,000 to celebrate the bicentennial of the Battle of Pichincha.
47% of the budget will go to calls for citizen participation and its activities, while 25% to infrastructure interventions; for example, the plaza 24 de mayo.
From the Ministry of Culture it was reported that the activities will take place from February to December.
Juan Martín Cueva, Secretary of Culture, reported that the program will be divided into four important moments:
1. The Proclamation of Sucre that was modified due to the pandemic.
2. The second will be in May, the date of the Battle of Pichincha.
3. The third will start in August with the events of the month of the arts
4. The fourth moment will be in December with the closing of the holidays Bicentennial.
five works
For his part, Mayor Santiago Guarderas pointed out that five works will also be part of the celebration.
1. The Quito Subway
2. Construction of the El Labrador-Carapungo corridor
3. New trolleybus units
4. Recovery of the historic center and other public spaces
5. Extension of Simón Bolívar Avenue to the Middle of the World.
The prefectural plan
The Pichincha Prefecture has revealed that the amount earmarked for the 200th anniversary of this historical deed is one and a half million dollars; that is, 2% of the entire budget of the institution.
“I want to tell you firmly that we are going to commemorate the Bicentennial because Quito and Pichincha they deserve it and we are going to commemorate it despite the electoral political attacks”, said Paola Pabón, perfect of Pichinchaafter being questioned for having assigned a $480,000 contract to muralist Pavel Egüez.
Egüez, part of UNES Culture and Heritage, was a member of the board of the Citizen Revolution and in the Government of Rafael Correa he also had contracts—; It was the only proposal and winning offer to paint the mural of the Prefecture for the Bicentennial.
Altogether, between Mayor’s Office of Quito and the Prefecture of Pichincha 5.7 million dollars are added for this celebration. (AVV)
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