The price of Brent crude for delivery in April continues its strong upward trend this Tuesday, reaching 99.01 dollars, an increase of 3.79% compared to the close of the previous day.
This rise, which responds to the tensions in Ukraine, means that oil is at a maximum not seen since 2014.
Black gold is on the rise on fears that the crisis between Russia and Ukraine could disrupt crude supplies.
Russia is the second largest oil exporter after Saudi Arabia, but also the largest producer of natural gas.
The crisis has worsened after the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has recognized the independence of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (this Ukrainian), and has ordered a military deployment to those territories, which has caused international rejection .
In the US, Texas Intermediate Oil (WTI), which did not trade the day before due to being a holiday, rises more than 3% before the official opening of the market.