The Dominican Republic will have its first in 2025 Multidimensional Poverty Index (IPM) official to complement the measurement of the poverty monetary, which introduces a participatory methodology to incorporate the voices of inhabitants in vulnerable situations.
The announcement was made today by the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Pável Isa Contreras, in his presentation at the special high-level meeting on “Sustainable and targeted solutions to poverty: using the Index of Poverty Multidimensional (IPM)”, a side event to the Future Summit taking place during the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.
“There is no doubt that the IPM will strengthen the Government’s capabilities to fight against poverty“, says Isa Contreras about the IPM, which will be guaranteed to be published every year, which will improve the effectiveness of the public policies for the fight against the poverty.
A press release also reported that 22 speakers from countries that use the technology participated in the event. the IPM as:
- Egypt, Mauritania, Somalia, Brazil, Chile, Bhutan, Seychelles, Panama, Namibia, South Sudan, Chad, Fiji and the Dominican Republic, jointly organized by the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Network for the poverty multidimensional (MPPN).
In her speech, Isa Contreras explained that currently the team of Technical Committee on Poverty Measurement (CTP) is conducting an analysis to determine the dimensions and indicators that the IPM should include based on previous experiences and the practices of other countries in the region, such as Colombia and Uruguay.
A “powerful” tool
He said that the Dominican Republic recognizes the importance of IPM as a “powerful” tool to have a more realistic perspective of the social conditions and economic problems that affect the population.
He indicated that since 2012 the Dominican Republic institutionalized its mechanisms of poverty measurement with the creation of the Technical Committee of Poverty which meets periodically to validate the figures of poverty monetary before publication.