Although the audit carried out on 94.9% of the more than 25,000 million pesos allocated to the program in 2020, indicated that the budget assigned to the “Sembrando Vida Program” was exercised and recorded in accordance with the approved amounts and in accordance with the legal provisions and applicable regulations on the matter, various irregularities were found.
The review of the program found that ordinary economic support was granted modality “direct cash delivery” to 18,538 people for a total of 243.8 million pesos without accrediting with the supporting documentation, that these were delivered to the beneficiaries of the program.
In the same way, the auditing body detected that additional economic support was given to 19,743 legal subjects for a total of 565.5 million pesos without being accredited with the supporting documentation presented by the beneficiaries that supports the application of program resources in the authorized goods and services.
The report also notes that the Welfare Secretariat, currently in charge of Ariadna Montiel, reported 81 million pesos as exercised in the Public Account, without proving that they were used for the granting of economic support to the subjects of law, or in its case, its reimbursement to the Treasury of the Federation.
The dependency granted ordinary economic support to 12 people for a total amount of 412,000 pesos, without proving that the beneficiaries are part of the target population, since their age is 97 years, according to their CURP, which does not correspond to agricultural producers. assets.