The Executive Branch approved today the new infrastructure portfolio of the National Infrastructure Authority (ANIN), which contains 5 projects, including the construction of the new Regional Institute for Neoplastic Diseases of the South (Iren Sur) in Arequipa, for which 800 million soles will be disbursed.
Through Supreme Decree 096-2024-PCM, it was reported that investment projects will be carried out in the regions of Arequipa, Piura, Apurímac and Ancash, for an estimated amount of 2,225 million soles.
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According to the description, the new Iren Sur will have adequate environments equipped with modern equipment to guarantee the quality of health services for more than 1 million residents.
Projects in regions
So tooin Piura The Chulucanas-Frías highway and the Miguel Checa Canal will be built, for an investment amount of more than 620 million soles, with the aim of creating an integration corridor optimizing transportation conditions.
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In Apurimacthe execution of the San Antonio de Cachi-Pucaccasa highway is contemplated, with an investment of 209 million for the benefit of 142 thousand citizens. While in Ancash, La Caleta Hospital will be built, with an estimated investment of 596 million soles, destined to close gaps in health.
ANIN will begin the formulation, evaluation and execution phases of approved projects, provided that the necessary financing is guaranteed by regional governments.