Georgina Saldierna, Arturo Sanchez and Enrique Mendez
Newspaper La Jornada
Monday, February 21, 2022, p. 5
The Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) recommended an investigation and sanction to officials of the Airport Group of Mexico City (GACM) who continued to pay services in 2020 to the company that managed the work management of the airport in Texcoco, even when the project had already been cancelled.
In addition, he reported that the contract for the management of the work amounted to 2 thousand 361 million, but in August of that year, when the early termination of the services was carried out, it was confirmed that since May 15, 2018 a extension of 2 thousand 81 million pesos, as well as successive modifying agreements for 155.3 and 128.3 million pesos.
This implied an increase of 119.6 percent, which raised the contract to 5 thousand 187 million pesos, of which 3 thousand 342 million pesos have been paid until December 2020.
While the physical-financial progress of the works for which Parsons International Limited was contracted was 33.3 percent, the physical-financial progress of the contract was 54.4 percent.
When reviewing the multi-year contract for services with public works at unit prices and for a specific period of time, the supervisory body determined that the GACM work residence authorized the payment of 2 million 52 thousand 400 pesos for concepts that should no longer be considered for its execution. , as a result of which the works had already been suspended.
Despite the fact that GACM officials presented official letters to explain why various work concepts were not cancelled, the ASF concluded that the observation prevails because since February 1, 2019 “the contractor was ordered to suspend the execution of 73 service concepts … so they should not have been considered for payment in estimates with execution periods of July and August 2019”.
Beyond these concepts, the ASF confirmed that, even though 272.7 million pesos were allocated to GACM in the 2020 budget, these were only for current spending and were not allocated to the trust for the development of the new airport.