August 30, 2024, 11:09 PM
August 30, 2024, 11:09 PM
“Your Excellency Monsignor Rene Leigue Cesarì ha exceeded 48 hours of extubation and the critical phase of his pulmonary and cardiological surgical condition. “We are currently focused on his neurological recovery,” said the medical report issued this Friday, in relation to the health of the Archbishop of Santa Cruz.
“Despite this affectation, Monsignor -during the day- has been praying and blessing”concludes the document, as an example of the evolution of the health of the highest ecclesiastical authority in Santa Cruz.
The archbishop is in intensive care after having suffered a sudden pulmonary complication on his second day of recovery after surgery performed last Friday, August 23.
Monsignor René Leigue had been iunderwent emergency surgery last Friday. On Monday, the Catholic Hospital announced in a statement that the archbishop was diagnosed with pulmonary atelectasis associated with pneumonia, which led to his admission to the intensive care unit.