The Central Bank (BC) reported, this Thursday (15), in Brasília, the leak of personal data linked to 8,032 Pix keys of Banco BTG Pactual customers, due to specific failures in the institution’s systems. The information was exposed between July 23 and August 5 of this year.
According to the Central Bank, no sensitive data such as passwords, transaction information, financial balances or other information subject to banking secrecy were exposed. The leaked information is of a registration nature, such as user name, masked CPF (with some numbers hidden), relationship institution, branch, account number and type.
People whose registration data has been leaked will be notified via the app or via internet banking of the institution. According to the BC, no other means of communication will be used for affected users, such as messaging applications, phone calls, SMS or e-mail.
The BC reported that the necessary actions were adopted for the detailed investigation of the case and the measures provided for in the current regulations will be applied.
This year alone, eight data leaks from financial institutions have been recorded. The Central Bank maintains a specific page on its website to record security incidents of this type.