The President has made public his position not to rule out a veto.
The abortion by rape regulation reached 75 votes in the National Assembly and will have to send the text for review by the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso.
Lasso announced that he will veto the text approved by the Legislature “if it exceeds the provisions of the Constitutional Court” although he has not specified whether his veto would be partial or total. If total, the regulation could not be dealt with again in a year.
But, even if Lasso vetoed the law, the decision of the Constitutional Court, of April 2021, to decriminalize abortion for rape remains in force. The regulation, however, is necessary to articulate timely care for victims of sexual assault who decide to abort.
Deadlines gestation
The gestational time to access a abortion it was one of the main critical nodes of the norm. The regulation that received 75 votes, and was thus approved, indicates that a woman victim of sexual violence is allowed to practice a abortion up to 12 weeks for those over 18 years of age and 18 weeks for girls, adolescents and women who live in rural areas and in indigenous nationalities. (AVV)