The CEO of the National PoliceEduardo Alberto Then, annulled memorandum No. 5282, which prohibited the movement of people in the Palace of the institution without the use of a mask.
With a new memorandum, No. 5466, dated February 16, Alberto Then annuls the previous one, in accordance with the provisions of the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, who yesterday suspended all the restrictive measures taken by COVID-19.
“The use of any means to keep ourselves protected from diseases in the future will be the responsibility of each and every one of us,” said Major General Alberto Then, following the government line.
The repealed document sought to prevent the access of people without masks to the institutional headquarters to prevent the spread of the respiratory disease.
DR is back to normal
Almost two years after the arrival of the pandemic, President Luis Abinader decided to suspend all the measures imposed by COVID-19, including the use of the mask and the carrying of the vaccination card to enter all places.
Abinader justified his decision by the low incidence of the disease in the country after passing a fifth wave of infections.
With this decision, the Dominican Republic became the first country in Latin America to suspend all its restrictions.