July 26, 2024, 10:25 PM
July 26, 2024, 10:25 PM
In the context of the forest fire emergency in the department of Santa Cruz, the Ministry of Health deployed a contingent of 23 doctors to assist affected families and military personnel in charge of extinguishing the fire.
So far, more than 1,000 cases have been recorded. 150 medical consultations in various locations, with a particular focus on the Chiquitania region, the ministry reported.
Milton Gonzales, Head of the Risk, Emergency and Disaster Management Unit, reported that the response of the Ministry of Health was immediate, with attention through the Safci-MiSalud, Telesalud and Bono Juana Azurduy programs.
“We have made approximately 154 cases of attention in the last few days,” Gonzales said that the work is being carried out in coordination with the Vice Ministry of Civil Defense and local health authorities.
Until now, 14 brigades were formed, The so-called Rapid Response Teams, which travel through the communities, often on foot and with emergency medical equipment, have been treating mainly cases of conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, high blood pressure, laryngitis, dehydration, physical exhaustion, muscle contractures, burns and respiratory illnesses, Gonzales described.
The authority recommended that citizens, when presenting symptoms of respiratory infections, such as itching in the nose or skin, wash with plenty of water, avoid self-medication and seek medical attention.
He also suggested wearing face masks in areas with high levels of smoke and limiting physical activities during hours with the highest concentration of air pollutants.