“The community has expressed its concerns regarding the dismantling of the plaza located at the intersection of Enrique Chaplin and Uruguay, as well as the sale of these land registers,” Bottino begins by stating in the Request for Information.
The reference registers mentioned are “ID 37363 (Registry 17490) on Enrique Chaplin Street at the corner of Calle 6 and ID 56109 (Registry 17506) on Enrique Chaplin Street between Calles 6 and 8, both plots located in Paysandú, which already have offers submitted until July 2023”.
“The concern of residents throughout Paysandú is focused on the future of public spaces and the uncertainty about whether there are other public buildings that are being put up for auction or for sale,” said the deputy.
Request for information
As a result, please respond to the following queries:
TO: What stage is this call at?
B: In the event that it has already been awarded, what was the final sale value (marketing) and what was the value published by the ANV (appraisal value)?
C: What was the background to these registers at the MVOT and DINAVI?
D: At what point did the ANV decide that the sale would be to private parties?
AND: Did the ANV board take any decision to allow the sale to private parties? Q: Was there room for negotiation with the Paysandú Municipality regarding the land plots awarded to prevent the change of use?
G: Was the Paysandú Municipality formally notified of the sale of the land? If so, on what date was said communication?
H: Are the aforementioned registers incorporated into any promoted housing project?
YO: Are there more lists in the same stages of bidding or sale?
J: Is there a record of what will happen to the land that has been awarded or is in the process of being awarded?
K: Did the reservation ticket state the registration as a space and that it would be delivered unoccupied?
L: Please attach a summary and detail of all the offers submitted for these plots. In all cases, please submit the required documentation and background information.
Report from the secretary of the deputy for Paysandú, Cecilia Bottino (FA)