The Social Security Institute (IPS) offers a unique opportunity for those who are taking their first steps in working life. The formalization bonus provides up to $279,689 to those who find work for the first time in the program Chili Security and Opportunities. The main objective of this support for those over 18 years of age is to encourage contributions to the pension system and encourage the formalization of the workforce in the country.
One of the advantages of this bond It is its accessibility. To check if you have qualified and if you have been benefited, you just have to enter your RUT data on the ChileAtiende website. If you are eligible, you will receive detailed information about the date and payment method. Even if you do not have a RUT account to receive the reward, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Family will open one for you free of charge, which you can activate within 18 months.
What are the conditions to receive this benefit? First, it is necessary to participate in the Security and Opportunities program. Chili. In addition, you must be over 18 years old and fill out the social work subsystem. This last requirement requires active participation in all the activities that make up this show.
Furthermore, while participating in the bond social and labor, there must be at least four continuous sickness and pension or unemployment insurance payments. The purpose of these criteria is to ensure that beneficiaries are committed to entering the labor market and their long-term socioeconomic development.
In conclusion, the Bond Formalization of the IPS offers valuable financial aid to those who take their first steps in the world of work. By completing just three basic requirements and committing to the application, you will receive support that can impact your professional and financial future.