Rebeca, 62, and Miguel, 79, are two grandparents who met at the San Vicente de Paúl Charitable Shelter in Huancayo. They live what is known like an eternal love. Before entering the asylum, Miguel was a beneficiary of the dining room and since the staff observed that he was alone, he had difficulty walking and stopped going for his lunch, for which he was admitted to the shelter.
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There he met Rebeca, as she was always very affectionate with him, he fell in love at first sight. Rebeca suffers from osteoarthritis, she gets around with a walker and Miguel, who can still use a cane, is always attentive to his needs, since they both have no relatives who remember to visit them.
The other couple, who touches the shelter staff, is Epifanio, 79 years old, and Sonia, 74 years old. The septuagenarian is always with a smile on his lips and the other grannies correspond to him. So Sonia gets upset and scolds him, but then they make friends and go back to playing like children.
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40 grandparents live in the San Vicente de Paúl asylum, there they have a roof, food and medical care to treat the diseases that afflict them.