The Bolivian ambassador to Cuba, Eduardo Pardo, lost his life in the last hours due to health complications. President Luis Arce lamented the death through a message on social networks.
From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs it was reported that the death occurred in Havana (Cuba), on Sunday, “after weeks of struggling to regain stability in his health”.
He also held the position of Deputy Manager of Reserves at the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), in addition to standing out in the field of economics and as a university professor.
President’s message:
We received with deep regret the news of the death of the fellow fighter and friend of the PS-1, the Bolivian ambassador to Cuba, Eduardo Pardo. The departure of a brilliant economist and academic committed to just causes hurts a lot. Our condolences to his family.
– Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) (@LuchoXBolivia) February 14, 2022
“The Foreign Ministry expresses its deepest condolences to the family of the prominent Bolivian economist, university professor and diplomat. Likewise, it adheres to the feeling of loss that overwhelms them and I hope you find strength in these moments of deep pain”, adds the pronouncement of that State portfolio.
President Arce posted: “It is with deep regret that we received the news of the death of our fellow fighter and friend of PS-1, the Bolivian ambassador to Cuba, Eduardo Pardo. The departure of a brilliant economist and committed academic hurts a lot with just cause. Our condolences to your family”.