He bonus 200,000 pesos It is a benefit aimed at people who are not yet pensioners, and can be requested under certain conditions. One of the requirements is to be registered in the Social Registry of Households, since from there the necessary data is obtained to evaluate the eligibility of the applicants.
This bonus is part of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), which can reach a monthly amount of up to $206,173, depending on the beneficiary, and is granted by the Social Welfare Institute (IPS) to those who meet the requirements established.
It is important to note that people who are not yet pensioners and are 65 years of age or older can apply for the PGU, even if they are working, as long as they meet the other requirements requirements.
The requirements to apply for the Universal Guaranteed Pension are the following: be 65 years of age or older, not belong to the richest 10% of the population, prove residence in Chilean territory for a minimum period of 20 continuous or discontinuous years from the age of 20. age, or a minimum period of four years of residence in the last five years immediately prior to the application. In addition, it is necessary to have a base pension of less than $1,114,446, determined by the Self-Financed Reference Pension (PAFE) of the PGU.
To request the Universal Guaranteed Pension and the bonus 200,000 pesos, can be done online through the website www.chileatiende.cl, using the ClaveÚnica. The IPS offers the possibility of making the request every day of the year, including weekends and holidays. The request can also be made through video service on the aforementioned websites, at the ChileAtiende branches of the IPS, at the municipalities or at the AFPs and insurance companies, if affiliated with any of these entities.