With an emotional act to exalt the praiseworthy work of the workers of the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Senamecf)which reached its 11th anniversary, this Friday the officials of the institution were decorated for their trajectory and their daily dedication to strengthen the scientific and forensic investigation areas that guarantee a justice system according to the needs of the population .
“Today they have a great team of directors and directors, who accompany them with love; That makes everything different, because with love everything changes, transforms, I say responsibly that Senamecf is an example for us and the world”, said the Vice Minister of Internal Policy and Legal Security, Dr. Alana Zuluoaga.
“Senamecf strengthens scientific development, with great advances in Criminal Investigation to guarantee legal medical aspects, in order to establish the causes and determine their circumstances,” he said.
Finally, he congratulated the entire team that works every day with mysticism and responsibility, to clarify punishable acts and provide necessary information to the country’s criminal investigation.
Source: Senamecf