June 17, 2023, 8:45 AM
June 17, 2023, 8:45 AM
Older adults are victims of abuse. The statement is based on a report by the Ombudsman. Between 2020 and 2022, this institution registered 8,572 complaints, which include psychological, physical, and even patrimonial abuse against those over 60 years of age.
These abuses can be defined as “invisible and hidden crimes”, because many times they are discussed within the family, says Alberto Salamanca, director of the Law course at the Franz Tamayo University, Unifranz.
“It is enough to leave them alone, to leave them without periodic communication between them and their closest family or social circle, so that we are violating their rights. Assuming that they are adults and have no needs is a common mistake in society, ”she says.
There are some signs that can help identify if an older adult is a victim of such abuse, says psychologist Carmen Aguilera, a professor at the aforementioned university.
From the psychological point of view, the tense or moody behaviors of older adults. It also recommends paying attention to boxes marked by the lack of concentration. Also when this person has low self-esteem and undervaluation. These attitudes lead to violent and inflexible behavior.
In cases of physical abuse towards the elderly, it is recurrent to find marks such as bruises, bruises, previous or recent scars without a clear justification.
In addition, this victim could suffer from neuralgia beyond the frequent ones due to old age, or you may lose weight for no apparent reason, Inter alia. A picture of abuse directly affects sleep disturbances and eating habits.
The psychologist also lists psychosocial signs, such as that the elderly person may be withdrawn and introverted, with little or no social interaction and can be seen tense, fearful, agitated and apprehensive.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines abuse of an older person as an act or several repeated acts that cause harm or suffering. the concept extends to a trusted person does not take appropriate measures to avoid other damages.
In addition, it considers that it is a major public health problem. In the last year, approximately One in six people over the age of 60 suffered some type of abuse in community settings.
Abuse rates in institutions, such as nursing homes and chronic care centers, are high. Two out of three workers in these centers report having inflicted some type of abuse in the last year. And this situation has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The international organization also warns that this problem is expected to increase in many countries, due to the rapid aging of the population. The world population aged 60 and over will double from 900 million in 2015 to around 2 billion in 2050.
Aguilera considers that one of the most relevant factors for the abuse of the elderly to occur is the lack of autonomy and independence, which are typical of age.
It is risky for these people to live in a hostile and unconcerned environment towards their needs. People with advanced age they become dependent for their illnesses or mental disorders. This situation of dependency causes a large part of the triggering conflicts.
Salamanca also points out inaction on the part of the State, in all its aspects, as factors of abuse against older adults. There are no sources of work for the elderly, there are no activities that are born from the State for the distraction, entertainment and care of the elderly. “There are no clear public policies and those that exist are not executed correctly or adequately,” she concludes.