The bonds that have been long awaited by many Chileans are coming to an end this June. Three of the most popular benefits will stop being paid, representing a significant change for those who depend on them. What are these bonuses that are finished? Below, we present the details of each of them.
The first on the list is the IFE Labor. After several extensions, this bond for workers comes to an end. It was designed to help those who were unemployed but managed to find contract work. The IFE Labor offered payments of up to $300,000 pesos. Although it is the last month to apply, you still have the opportunity to apply if you meet the requirements.
The second bonus that ends is the Protege Subsidy, one of the benefits of Sence. This subsidy is granted to workers with dependent children up to 5 years of age, who are not guaranteed the right to a nursery by their employer. The Protege Subsidy offers three payments of $200,000 for each child who meets the requirements. If you meet the requirements, you still have the opportunity to apply until the 20th of June.
Finally, the Winter Bonus, which was paid in May, comes to an end in June. However, an extra amount of 60 thousand pesos was approved for the beneficiaries. The payment will be made to the same people who received the benefit in May, along with the June pension.
They will be benefited with bond those who are pensioners of the IPS, ISL, Dipreca, Capredena and the employers’ Mutual Societies, as long as they have a pension equal to or less than $201,677. Also included are AFP pensioners who are receiving minimum pensions with a state guarantee, and those who receive the Old-age Solidarity Pension Contribution and whose pensions are less than or equal to $201,677 (without considering the amount of the Solidarity Pension Contribution in that calculation).