Pope Francis’ day was quiet, with the expected clinical course,” reports the Holy See Press Office at 7:15 p.m. this Monday, June 12 through its Telegram channel. In the communication, it is added that, in the afternoon, the Pontiff dedicated himself to work activities, reading texts and resting.
At night, he collected himself in prayer in the chapel of his private apartment.
“The postoperative course of the Holy Father continues to be regular, respecting medical prescriptions.” This was reported, this Monday, June 12, by the medical staff assisting Pope Francis after the laparotomy and plastic surgery of the abdominal wall with prosthesis at the Gemelli Polyclinic. In a statement released by the Vatican Press Office, it is also stated that “Pope Francis continues to eat normally. This morning, he received the Holy Eucharist and then he dedicated himself to his work activities ».
As early as yesterday afternoon, Sunday June 11, the medical team confirmed that the Pope continued “pyretic and hemodynamically stable”, that he had “undergone respiratory physiotherapy” and that he was still “mobilizing”. Also yesterday morning, Francis followed the Mass live on television and received the Eucharist, then went to the chapel of the private apartment on the tenth floor of the hospital to collect himself in prayer for the Angelus, spiritually united with the faithful of everyone and also those gathered in the square in front of the Gemelli. Yesterday, the Pontiff also had lunch with those who assist him in these days of hospitalization: doctors, health assistants, nurses, assistants and gendarmes.