The shot corpse of José Miguel Planche Durán was located by his girlfriend in the bathroom of the residence where he lived, located in the José Félix Ribas sector, Mario Briceño Iragorry municipality (El Limón), Aragua state.
The first police reports reveal that an alleged brother of his appeared at José Miguel’s residence and called him from outside. This happened last Wednesday afternoon. Both entered the house and a few minutes later detonations were heard, according to testimonies from the neighbors collected by agents of the cicpc.
The man’s corpse was removed by the scientific police commission that admitted it to the Caña de Azúcar morgue, located in Maracay (Aragua).
The alleged murderer appeared at night at the headquarters of the cicpc in the capital of Aragón and there he was kept under guard giving statements, said a police source.
José Miguel had a chicken sale in the El Samán sector, Maracay.