“Let’s not think only in terms of drought, but to increase and multiply production”
The President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou, affirmed this Saturday in a new congress of the rural federation held in Durazno, the need to have massive irrigation in Uruguay.
“When we are told about a State policy, regarding water, Nacho told me many years ago and I repeat it, The day that the human being takes advantage of the opportunities for growth will be exponential.”
“Many times the human being has to hit each other and it is from crises that he finds the effort and the growth opportunities”
“So now, that we are in the process of drought and climate change, let us not only think of a policy regarding water in terms of droughtlet’s think that exponentially we can put one country above the other in what rural exploitation does.
“If we have massive irrigation and there are experiences of state policies such as PRENADER, the Irrigation Law or the Water Regulation that we are working on in Rocha and that it is necessary to promote it “
“The next challenge, as it was in 1987 with the Forestry Law, there has to be the Irrigation Law, I insist, not only because of a drought issue, but also because of a increase and multiply production in the same territory”