The defense attorney of the confessed murderer of Mauricio Leal and his mother Marleny Hernández spoke.
Colombia News.
Yhonier Leal is being held in a jail in the Prosecutor’s Office bunker in the city of Bogotá. There remains guarded by the authorities the confessed murderer of his mother Marleny Hernández and that of his brother Mauricio Leal, renowned Valle del Cauca stylist.
A few hours ago it became known that Yhonier’s defense is preparing some arguments for the accused to be declared incompetent.
A person is considered unimpeachable, one who “would not face the repercussions that the penal system has for these crimes.”
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To do this, Yhonier Leal’s defense attorney will request a psychiatric and psychological examination, with which he seeks to demonstrate to a judge that his client “did not understand the seriousness of the crime he was committing by taking the lives of his two relatives.”
Daniel Peña, defender of Leal expressed in dialogue on RCN News the following:
“This opinion will give us light to analyze the capacity of Jhonier Leal and the possibility of determining the degree of inability to be held accountable if it comes to them,” said the jurist.
Family asks to be charged with one more crime
The lawyer for the family of Mauricio Leal and Marleny Hernández, seek that Yhonier Leal be charged with aggravated homicide, homicide and concealment, alteration or destruction of material evidence; one more crime.
For the loved ones of the deceased stylist, the detainee for the double crime of mother and son should be added the crime of torture.
Elmer Montaña, lawyer for the victims, stated that the Prosecutor’s Office did not charge the crime of torture because “it does not have the material evidence for it.”
It should be remembered that Yhonier made a pact with the accusing body to pay a prison sentence of 27 years and 6 months, which for the defender of the victims could translate between 13 and 14 years due to reduced sentence.
Montaña, on behalf of Leal’s relatives, asks the judge “not to issue this agreement” since “it violates the principle of legality.”
“The last word will have a criminal judge from the Bogotá circuit,” said the jurist.
Cover photo: @yhonierleal
Read: The prosecutor who ‘cornered’ Yhonier Leal: “There is no perfect crime,” he told him