As of today afternoon, 2,064 clients of the intervened bank Bancamérica had made the initial validation of their account data in order to recover their savings.
The Superintendency of Banks reported to Free Journal that the savings of these depositors exceed RD$1,933 million and represent 61.62% of the deposits of the financial entity that is in the process of dissolution.
At the time of offering the figure, 14,644 holders were missing to validate their data, which indicates that those who have larger amounts have gone first to do the process.
The Superintendency of Banks reported that 98.1% of depositors of Bancamérica has savings below the threshold of RD$1,860,000.
Since last Monday, savers can validate the information associated with their products as a regulatory security protocol. Bancaméricawhich barely has 0.13% of the assets of the financial system, was intervened for failing to comply with legal and regulatory provisions within the framework of a regularization plan.
Bancaméricawhich barely has 0.13% of the assets of the financial system, was intervened for failing to comply with legal and regulatory provisions within the framework of a regularization plan.