The president of the Broad Front (FA) Fernando Pereira said that, if the co-responsibility in parenting law promoted by part of the ruling party is approved, the left-wing coalition will seek to repeal it if it obtains parliamentary majorities after the 2024 elections.
“We are going to repeal the aspects that put children at risk, if the FA has a parliamentary majority. Our vote will not be to put children at risk“Pereira said this Tuesday after analyzing the issue at a new meeting of the Political Table.
The debate in deputies on the co-responsibility in parenting law, also known as shared custody, postponed to Tuesday April 18, since the votes in the ruling party to approve the initiative are not assured. The opposition, for its part, has already announced that it will vote unanimously against it.
“Not only the FA sees it as a setback, but also other parties,” said the president of the left-wing coalition, adding that he agreed with joint ownership, but not “putting” children who “are suffering violence in the hands of the violent.”
Pereira included the joint tenancy project, as well as the pension reform, among the “regression laws” promoted by the coalition government.
The controversial articles of the tenure project
Article 4 regulates tenure issues. Fundamentally, it implies that in the event that there are precautionary measures towards a parent denounced by the other, it will be the judge who must determine the visits and “will only suspend them in the event that the best interests of the child or adolescent are at risk”. .
Also that, in case of application of precautionary measures, “the right to visits of the accused must be respected, whenever in the judge’s opinion they are in accordance with the interest of the child.”
Article 6, meanwhile, is the one that establishes the procedure by which the visiting regime will be determined. There it is established that “only for particularly serious reasons and on which there are well-founded indications” a shared system may be denied.
Government program for 2025-2030
On July 1, the Broad Front will hold a new National Congress, an instance in which will define the program bases for the document that will mark the roadmap of an eventual government between 2025-2030.
The opposition coalition has so far only the mayor Yamandú Orsi officialized as a pre-candidate, after the officialization of the support he received from his sector, the Popular Participation Movement (MPP).