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El Pepino was unearthed at noon this Sunday and woke up with a kiss from the queen of the Cruceño Carnival, Dayana Molina, and after Ch’uta’s request to be vaccinated against Covid-19. With this symbolic act in Plaza Alonso de Mendoza, the Carnival of La Paz began, which will be carried out with strict biosecurity measures, in order to reactivate the economy.
“We are starting the Carnival activity that it seemed that we were not going to carry out due to the pandemic, but thanks to the vaccination (we did). La Paz is a champion in vaccination, we have reached 116% in the first and second doses because in La Paz people from other municipalities come to vaccinate,” said Mayor Iván Arias, according to the Municipal News Agency.
The unearthing of the Cucumber began at the doors of the Tambo Quirquincho Museum, where several fictitious niches were placed. There began the funeral procession of this traditional character of the La Paz Carnival, who was still in a coffin and was transferred to Plaza Alonso de Mendoza with the musical accompaniment of the Eduardo Caba Band.
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Mayor Arias led the transfer of the coffin where Cucumber was found, who shortly after received three keys: from the burgomaster the “Key to health (red)”, from the queen of Carnival Cruceño the “Key to responsibility (green)” and from the secretary of Cultures, the “Key to joy (yellow)”. The actor Rigucho from La Paz staged the comedy “Rigucho el Kallawaya” that made reference to the history of La Paz Carnival.
Several municipal authorities also accompanied the procession, Mayor Arias, the Secretary of Cultures, Rodney Miranda, secretaries, councilors, dancers, leaders of the Association of Comparsas of the Paceño Carnival, several widowed cholas with black veils and the general public.
“Dear Cucumber, several women in mourning have come crying and in pain from having waited for you for more than two years as a result of the pandemic. Finally, we are happy to welcome you again because you come bringing joy, happiness to live the carnival of La Paz”, said one of the widows at the first stop that was made on the tour.
In a second stop, the Ch’uta from La Paz summoned his companion to wake up Pepino to bring joy to the population. “Don’t be afraid of the disease, you will have your Covid-19 vaccine and your card to enter the city,” he told her.
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Already in the center of the square on a platform, the Ch’uta Kallawaya with herbs and incense invoked the Cucumber to wake up, but it was the kiss of the queen of the Cruceño Carnival that brought the Cucumber back to life to the delight of his followers and the population.
The president of the Association of Carnival Comparsas of La Paz, Ramiro Lazo, highlighted the presence of representatives from Santa Cruz and those who participated as a symbol of the “carnival of unity.”
Meanwhile, the queen of the Santa Cruz carnival thanked them for the reception and invited the Cucumbers to participate in the Carnival of the Santa Cruz capital and promised to dance one of the La Paz dances at the 2023 Carnival.
“I can learn any step and spend the La Paz Carnival in all the activities. I am with all the good predisposition to learn from this beautiful culture that you have, ”she assured.