The man propose and God dispose
No less obvious than true what this saying reminds us: the condition of the human being is very humble and fragile, while there is no one who can fully control their destiny. Because you can never be sure that something will happen for sure.
That device was not invented. As much as everything indicates that such a thing will happen, it may not happen… Or what are the unforeseen?… And yes!…
Although the “providentialists” go further with the saying: for them, everything that Divine Providence arranges it will be fine because it follows God’s orders, and nothing that comes from Him can be bad…
This saying originates from the Bible.specifically in the sentence “Cor hominis disponit viam suam, ser Domini est direre gresus eius”, I translate, for those who do not speak Latin: “Man sets his path, but it is up to the Lord to set his steps”, located in Proverbs 16 , 9…
As can be seen, with all due respect, the Bible also functions as a manual of military connotations… “Due obedience to their orders, otherwise!”… We already know, It is true that no human being can completely shape his own destiny.even when the decisions he makes are exclusively his, but why scare him with the reality checks that can appear at any moment but have not yet occurred…
It is already known that prevention is better than cure, and all that, but why disappoint someone before reality disappoints you? And if it turns out that finally this or that plan is fulfilled, and the reality not only does not disappoint but it turns out better than what was dreamed?…
Miguel de Cervantes liked this saying so much that, without going through biblical, he wrote it in the second part of “Don Quixote” and in “La gigantilla”, between admonitions and resignations…
The man proposes: to make a barbecue for friends at noon on Sunday at his house in Tigre. And God arranges: an electrical storm with floods that has not stopped since Saturday night, in El Tigre, of course…
It could also be that the same man proposes to make that Sunday barbecue, it’s not raining and it’s a splendid day, but… what never: the roast burned! But it will be from God, che!