The Chamber of Deputies approved, today (9), bill nº 976/22 that provides for the payment of a special pension to the children and other dependents under 18 years of age of women victims of femicide. The amount of the pension was fixed at a minimum wage (currently R$ 1,320). The benefit will be granted to all biological or adopted children and dependents whose monthly family income per capita is equal to or less than 25% of the minimum wage (R$330).
The project is authored by PT deputies Erika Kokay (PT-DF), Gleisi Hoffmann (PT-PR), Benedita da Silva (PT-RJ), Luizianne Lins (PT-CE), Maria do Rosário (PT-RS), Natália Bonavides (PT-RN), Professor Rosa Neide (PT-MT) and Rejane Dias (PT-PI). The proposal approved by the Chamber, however, was the substitute presented by the rapporteur of the matter, Deputy Captain Alberto Neto (PL-AM).
How will it be
The norm also establishes that the pension cannot be accumulated with social security benefits received from the General Social Security System or from the Special Social Security Systems, nor with pensions or benefits from the social protection system of the military. In the event of the death of one of the beneficiaries, the quota must be reverted to the others.
If the judicial process does not prove feminicide, the benefit will be terminated.
According to the proposal’s rapporteur, the budgetary and financial impact was estimated at BRL 10.52 million this year, BRL 11.15 million in 2024 and BRL 11.82 million in 2025. The text is now being analyzed by the Federal Senate .