RD tiene solo 20 fideicomisos públicos por debajo de otros países de la región

DR has only 20 public trusts below other countries in the region

In the Dominican Republic there are 20 public trusts, a number that is below its peer countries in Latin America, highlighted Samuel Pereyra, General Manager of Banco de Reservas.

He explained that according to statistics from the Latin American Federation of Banks (FELABAN) the number of Public Trusts registered by country in the region is as follows: in Ecuador there are 873 public trusts; in Mexico 589; in Colombia 258; in Panama 103; in Guatemala 77; in Honduras 63 and Peru 23, to cite several examples.

He said that these figures indicate that the DR is well below the leadership of the sector in the Latin American region.

He stressed that public trusts are an important tool for ddevelop national projects, andn aspects as vital as infrastructure, education, health and environmental protection, among others.

“We support public trusts, because they are a great support for country-projects, convinced that the resources must be used for development and this must always be at the service of our people,” he said when offering the opening words of the Public Trust seminar: International experiences for the development of public policies in the Dominican Republic, which included the participation of experts Jorge Porras Zamora from Costa Rica; Marcial Luján from Mexico and Juan Carlos Peralvo Molina, from Ecuador; as well as the Dominican Republic, organized by Banco de Reservas and its subsidiaries, Fiduciaria Reservas, AFI Reservas and AFP Reservas.

We invite you to read: Alcántara: “Statistics presented by Abinader are the closest to reality of the last governments”

DR has only 20 public trusts below other countries in the region

Pereyra explained that the Reservas Group supports the trust for mobility and transportation (FIMOVIT)where we are supporting the parent trust with the management of its guarantee and the trusts linked to the financing of the new routes on Av. Núñez de Cáceres, Av. Winston Churchill and Av. Charles de Gaulle.

In addition, housing promotion trusts, such as Ciudad Juan Bosch or Mi Vivienda where they finance interim loans to developers and mortgage loans to buyers.

As also, the RD-Vial Trust With which, through the support of various subsidiaries of Grupo Reservas, we carried out in 2021 one of the most successful public offering issues in the country, to promote the construction and maintenance of important new roads for national development.

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