He Dominican export sector It generates more than a million direct, indirect and induced jobs, and has the capacity to double its shipments to different parts of the world, according to a recent study on the impact of exports on the national economy carried out by the Dominican Association of Exporters. (adoexpo), in collaboration with the firm Apricus Consulting Group.
According to the study, the direct jobs around 516,334, for 10% of the economically active population of the country.
Instead, the indirect jobs there are more or less 399,761, for 8% of the economically active population. Meanwhile, induced jobs are estimated at 203,254, for 4% of the economically active population.
The data was presented yesterday by Juan Ariel Serummanaging partner of the firm Apricus Consulting Group. He said that one in five jobs that are generated in the country in one way or another is related to export sector.
female jobs
The study found that the export sector generates direct and indirect jobs for nearly 404,000 women and 715,000 men.
“Of that more than one million jobs, 404,000 are approximately women. This is important because a great challenge that we have as a country is the creation of jobs for women”, he expressed.
Opportunities to export more
Serum said that, based on model estimates from the International Trade Center (ITC), the Dominican Republic still has an export capacity of 50% more. “We still have a lot of space to export. In fact, at the sector level we could double our exports”, he added.
Exports in Dominican Republic they have grown close to 7,000% in the last 50 years, going from 257 million dollars in 1970 to 20,509 million dollars in 2021. Also, they generate a total production close to 21,356 million dollars, when including all the effects of economic activity .
total production of export sector
- The direct production amounts to 11,373 million dollars. This includes the economic dynamism that companies generate in the added value process of the transformation process.
- Indirect production is around 5,917 million dollars. This refers to the economic activity derived from the intermediate purchases of the export sector in its process of acquisition of production input goods and services.
- Induced production is also added, which is around 4,067 million dollars. These are the transactions of goods and services related to the use of the monetary income of the formal and informal employees of the export sector.
According to the exhibition, develop all the export potential of the country would bring numerous benefits such as:
- more than 5,000 million dollars of foreign exchange income each year
- creation of between 300,000 and 500,000 new jobs
- poverty reduction
- increase in tax revenue between 28,000 and 45,000 additional million pesos
Suero added that, according to estimates made by the ITC, the Dominican Republic It had the capacity to export some 15,000 million dollars in goods in 2019, about 50% more than what was done.
In fact, only the 15 products with the highest export potential represented opportunities for 4,000 million dollars in 2019, which would have represented an increase of almost 40% of exports in that year.
Seen from another point of view, of the set of products exported by the Dominican Republicit is explained that only the exports of ferronickel, ostomy instruments and cocoa beans exceed 60% of the export potential, so in all other lines there is room to increase exports.