The Government appointed PNP Arms General Vicente Tiburcio Orbezo as the new Commander General of the National Police replacing General Javier Santos Gallardo Mendoza. The latter held the aforementioned position since November 2021.
It is recorded in the Supreme Resolution 019-2022-INpublished today in the newspaper A Peruvian mansigned by the president Pedro Castillo Terrones and the Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Chavarryresolves, to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, to general Vicente Tiburcio Orbezo.
Tiburcio Orbezo is one of the 86 members of the Special Intelligence Group (GEIN) that participated in the Victoria operation that ended with the capture of the Shining Path (SL) terrorist, Abimael Guzman.
Also, in the Supreme Resolution 020-2022-INthe Ministry of the Interior (Mininter) appoints the general of arms of the PNP Miguel Fernando Lostaunau Fuentesin charge of Chief of the General Staff of the National Police of Peruwho is promoted to the rank of lieutenant general of said institution.
While, Supreme Resolution 021-2022-IN resolves to appoint the general of arms of the PNP, Luis Alberto Vera Llerenain charge Inspector General of the National Police of Peruand is promoted to the rank of lieutenant general of the police institution.
On changes in the National Police
On Monday, January 31, the departure and retirement of the general commander of the National Policelieutenant general PNP Javier Gallardowhose change had been requested two weeks ago by the former minister Avelino Guillen.
As detailed by El Comercio, Guillén had requested the President Pedro Castillo to retire the Commander General of the PNP because he considered it impossible to continue working with him.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, February 2, the deputy general commander of the PNP, Martín Parra Sarmiento, requested his retirement after a new ministerial cabinet was appointed in which the new Minister of the Interior was included Alfonso Chavarry Estrada.