The efforts of companies to integrate vulnerable populations into the world of work will be distinguished from the private sector through the Integrating Companies recognition, which will be launched this Tuesday, January 31 in the afternoon. What is the initiative about?
The Integrating Companies recognition is promoted by institutions such as the National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (confid)the Information and Education Center for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (Cedro), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF).
The award is also supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), the European Union (EU), the German Cooperation and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).
The objective of the aforementioned recognition is to promote the labor inclusion of people in vulnerable situations, which are contemplated in the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (PNA) 2021-2025. These include refugees and migrants, members of native communities, Afro-descendants (intercultural people), women, the LGTBIQA+ community, people with disabilities, and adults.
The initiative has two components: the preparation of a toolbox to promote and raise awareness about the importance of labor inclusion in companies, and the recognition of good practices both in micro and small businesses and in medium and large companies at a national level. national.
The expectation regarding the initiative is that it can promote the socioeconomic development of the country, benefiting all Peruvians, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
The program seeks to make visible the benefits of diversity for business growth with the good practices of values ​​such as empathy, respect and equity.
Companies that achieve recognition may receive various benefits such as: visibility of good business practices in the media; technical assistance and specialized training to consolidate good practices; and networking rounds to promote alliances with organizations at the regional level to support the projects of recognized companies.
The event can be followed through the Confiep Facebook profile, starting at 3:00 pm this Tuesday, January 31.
Those interested in applying can register through the following link: