MINSA reports 3,150 positive cases, 15 deaths and 82 patients in the ICU due to Covid-19

National statistics maintain that 90% of the deaths that have occurred in the last year of the pandemic have been in patients without a complete vaccination schedule (one dose or no dose).

MINSA reports 3,150 positive cases, 15 deaths and 82 patients in the ICU due to Covid-19

MINSA reports 3,150 positive cases, 15 deaths and 82 patients in the ICU due to Covid-19. Photo: Courtesy

Celia Douglas

The epidemiological report for this Monday, January 31, records 3,150 new cases for a cumulative of 700,274.

In the last hours, 15 deaths were registered, in addition, 1 death from a previous date is updated for an accumulated number of 7,732 deaths and a lethality of 1.1%.

Active cases total 61,407, while 11,832 tests were applied for a positivity of 26.6%.

In home isolation there are 60,347 and 256 in hospital hotels.

Hospitalized patients are 722 in the ward and 82 are in the Intensive Care Unit.

National statistics maintain that 90% of the deaths that have occurred in the last year of the pandemic have been in patients without a complete vaccination schedule (one dose or no dose).

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