Ariel Albaez | January 26, 2023
The Minister of the Environment of Panama (MiAmbiente), Milciades Concepción, presented to the plenary session of the National Assembly the project of Law 29-22, which establishes the regulatory framework of the national response to climate change and dictates other provisions.
Under the legislative initiative, a national climate change cabinet is established, as well as an inter-agency climate change system. It also seeks to establish the regulations and requirements to participate in the National Carbon Market and for the transaction of negotiable climate financial instruments.
In the presentation of the project, the head of this portfolio indicated that “with this norm, Panama joins the list of few countries in the world that promote and approve a law dedicated to addressing a problem of national and international impact, such as change climate”.
Revealed; In addition, that “it is an advanced project where the entire society is considered, both private companies, municipal governments, central governments and the general public so that we all take actions to mitigate and adopt measures to face climate change in our country”, express”.