The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining reported that the adjustment of fuels, which is in force as of 00:00 hours on Tuesday, February 1, will be 3 pesos for fuels with the highest consumption.
As a result of this announcement, both the legislators of the Broad Front and FANCAP rejected the increase and questioned the government’s decision.
In effect, the senator from the Front Amplio party said that “neither the promised drop in fuel nor the application of the criterion that founded the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC)” took place, referring to the Parity of Import Prices.
“Fuels rose around 30% in one year (five times more than salaries and liabilities). And once again, political speculation revealing the fear of ‘Yes’” to repeal 135 articles of the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC).
In the same sense, Senator Alejandro Sánchez stated that the new fuel increase of 3 pesos for gasoline, diesel and supergas, means an increase of 25%, 33% and 18% in the last 12 months. Meanwhile, wages and pensions were 6%. Except for salaries, everything grows.”
manipulate prices
For his part, the president of FANCAP, Gerardo Rodríguez, stated that the government “has been in charge of manipulating prices according to its interests.”
He stressed that the increase demonstrates the “failure of the price regulation system created from the LUC.”
He said that the new pricing mechanism had two objectives: “to lower the rates and to achieve transparency in the process. The facts have shown that the LUC not only did not serve to lower fuel prices, but, on the contrary, they rose significantly”.