Businessman sami abudayeh, currently under investigation for the tender that his company Heaven Petroleum Operators won with Petroperú in the current government, sought out former judge Walter Ríos, investigated for the case of Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto, to “direct” a case from El Agustino to Callao.
This was confirmed by Gianfranco Paredes, who was advisor to the then president of the Superior Court of Justice of Callao, Walter Ríos. According to said version, it would have been sought that the process be seen by a judge close to Ríos.
“The process was carried out in El Agustino, in a civil court, but as the land that [se] was going to seize, execute or evict via warrant was in Callao, it had to be done in Callao”, Paredes explained to El Comercio.
For this “favor”, Abudayeh counted Sandro Herrera as operator. Gianfranco Paredes affirms that he gave himself US$1,500 and another US$1,000 at the La Rosa Náutica restaurant. The meeting between Ríos, Paredes and Herrera was on March 12, 2018.
“He wanted a file that came via an exhortation to Callao to be directed to carry out an eviction measure and then recover a property in Callao. By order of Ríos, he helped him with the address”, Paredes affirmed to Cuarto Poder.
Likewise, in a dialogue with El Comercio, the then prosecutor in charge of investigating the White Necks case, Rocío Sánchez, confirmed that “the favor” requested by Sami Abudayeh was fulfilled.
“The favor is requested directly by Samir from Walter Ríos, but the one who came to do the paperwork was the lawyer Sandro Herrera, because it is a process that he entrusts to his lawyer. Apparently it does run”, he warned.