The registration deadline for the first stage of the National Examination for Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Institution of Higher Education (Revalidation) 2023 begins tomorrow (16th) and ends next Friday (20th). Revalidation System.
The registration fee, in the amount of R$ 410, must be paid by the 26th through the Union Collection Guide (GRU), and the test will be applied on the 5th of March in the following locations: Brasília, Campo Grande, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio Branco, Salvador and São Paulo.
According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), the professional who wishes to participate in the exam must be Brazilian or a foreigner in legal status in Brazil and have an undergraduate degree in medicine issued by a foreign higher education institution, recognized in the country of origin or equivalent body.
The exam consists of a theoretical and a practical stage that address, in an interdisciplinary way, the five major areas of medicine: internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and family and community medicine (collective health).
The first stage (theoretical) consists of a written assessment, with the application of two tests: an objective test, consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions, and a discursive one, consisting of five questions.
Whoever is approved in the first stage will be able to undergo the practical evaluation. The edict with the schedule for the second stage will still be released by Inep.
Applied since 2011, Revalida aims to subsidize the revalidation, in Brazil, of the graduation diploma in medicine issued abroad. The exam assesses the skills, competences and knowledge necessary for professional practice in accordance with the principles and needs of the Unified Health System (SUS).