Faced with the third wave of the coronavirus in the country, the Government announced which provinces will remain at the high health alert level, while the rest will continue at the moderate alert level. The decision comes after the increase in cases COVID-19, especially in Metropolitan Lima and Callao.
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through the Supreme Decree 010-2022-PCM, published today in the newspaper El Peruano, these provinces are: Lima, Constitutional Province of Callao, Tambopata, Zarumilla, Coronel Portillo, Tacna, Jorge Basadre, San Martín, Lampa, Melgar, Azángaro, Canchis, La Convencion, Huancavelica, Tayacaja, Lucanas, Huanta, La Mar, Cajamarca, Jaen, Chota, Hualgayoc, Cajabamba, Camaná, Islay, Caylloma, Castilla, Huaraz, Huaylas, Casma, Ferreñafe, Lambayeque, Puno, San Román, Tumbes, Arequipa, Huamanga, Huánuco and Huancayo.
Also listed: Abancay, Andahuaylas, Chachapoyas, Bagua, Utcubamba, Pacasmayo, Chepen, Ascope, Ica, Chincha, Nazca, Pisco, Chanchamayo, Satipo, Tarma, Jauja, Leoncio Prado, Talara, Paita, Morropon, Sechura, Upper Amazon, Loreto, Marshal Nieto , Ilo, Pasco, Oxapampa, Cañete, Huaura, Huaral, Barranca, Huarochirí, Chiclayo, Piura, Sullana, Trujillo, Santa, Cusco and Maynas.
It should be noted that the measurement ranges from Monday, January 31 through Sunday February 13.
Likewise, the Government extended the national state of emergency for a period of 28 calendar days, starting on February 1, 2022, due to the circumstances that the country is facing due to the COVID-19.
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From Monday, January 31, there will no longer be nationwide curfew, as provided in the same standard.
“The impact of the curfew on sanitary measures should be withdrawn. This is from when the supreme decree comes out, which is tomorrow”, said the Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos, who advanced the decision to suspend social immobilization.