The modifications began to operate today, at 05.00.
In this way, they went back to Transition: Arica, Putre, Colchane, Camiña, Huara, Tierra Amarilla and Cochrane.
For their part, they went back to Preparation: Freirina, La Higuera, Río Hurtado, Illapel, Combarbalá, Canela, Putaendo, Hijuelas, Cabildo, Nogales, San Vicente, Quinta de Tilcoco, Palmilla, Coinco, Pumanque, Doñihue, Nancagua, La Estrella, Paredones, San Fernando, Peumo, Peralillo, San Clemente, San Javier, Romeral, Colbún, Rauco, Villa Alegre, Maule, Río Claro, Curepto, Longaví, Sagrada Familia, Teno, Yerbas Buenas, San Nicolás, Coihueco, Ránquil, San Ignacio , Quillón, Pemuco, San Rosendo, Cabrero, Contulmo, Negrete, Laja, Renaico, Loncoche, Galvarino, Teodoro Schmidt, Toltén, La Unión, San Pablo, Chaitén, Castro, Ancud and Puerto Montt.
While they advanced to Initial Opening: Cochamó. Meanwhile, they advanced to Preparation: Cañete, Tirúa and Corral.