Page Seven / La Paz
In January, the volumes of natural gas sent to Argentina fell some days to 8.5 million cubic meters per day (MMmcd), according to data from the Hydrocarbons, Mines and Energy Directorate of the Santa Cruz Governorate.
On average, so far this first month, only 9.7 MMmcd have been exported. Bolivia and Argentina negotiate the sixth addendum to the gas purchase-sale contract.
The director of Hydrocarbons of that departmental dependency, Eduardo Ibáñez, pointed out that these shipments to the neighboring country are the lowest in the last 10 years. This is due to the fact that gas production decreased due to the decline of the country’s main gas fields, although the Incahuasi field in the department is still in a stage of maturity.
He explained that Bolivia will have to negotiate and sell to Argentina the volumes that remain after serving the domestic market and Brazil. “You will have to negotiate a little less with Brazil to send something more to Argentina, but it must be negotiated,” he stressed.