Angel Valdes | December 28, 2022
After the Ministry of Health (MINSA) confirmed 12 new Monkeypox cases in Panamawith a cumulative total of 78 registered, all male, today the Minister of Health Francisco Sucre reported that the first case in a woman has been confirmed.
This case has drawn attention for being the first in the female sex in our country and the minister stressed that biosafety measures must be maintained, self-care both in direct contact with the pustules of sick people, as well as maintaining protection in sexual intercourse if you suspect being a carrier of the disease.
In the latest report issued by MINSA, of the 78 registered cases, 13 cases remained active, 8 in home isolation and 5 in health institutions, while 65 cases had already completed their isolation without setbacks. Another report on updated monkeypox cases is expected before the end of the year.
Regarding the vaccines of the Expanded Immunization Program, a total of 42 doses of vaccines against monkeypox have been applied in different regions such as: West Panama (10), Chiriquí (1), San Miguelito (1), in Coclé (1 ) and in the Metropolitan Region 29 doses have been placed in total.
This disease that is transmitted through physical contact with an infected person without taking the necessary measures, having direct contact with the rash or sexual relations with an infected person. It should be noted that the person is contagious from the moment the symptoms develop until the scabs have dried and the skin has healed.