The resources allocated to social programs were tripled, informed today (28) the Minister of Citizenship, João Roma, in a speech on national radio and TV. Roma spoke of the advances brought by Auxílio Brasil and highlighted that it has become the largest income transfer program in the country’s history.
The new benefit guarantees the minimum amount of R$ 400 for more than 17 million Brazilians. According to the minister, the ministry managed to eliminate the queue by including everyone who was waiting in the program. He highlighted the aid included in the new program, such as the Productive Inclusion Aid, worth R$200, a transitional amount paid to beneficiaries who find a job, and the Scientific Initiation Aid: “A stimulus for the full development of our youth,” he said.
Rome also mentioned the 65% reduction in the electricity tariff for the 24 million families that are part of the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) and the Auxílio Gás, created, according to the minister, “to help families that need it most ”.
In the speech, the Minister of Citizenship also spoke about the government’s work to remedy the damage caused by the rains in Bahia and Minas Gerais. According to him, the task force involved several ministries and had the solidarity of many volunteers.